Sunday, April 15, 2012

Doug the Slug takes a Vacation

Doug went to the jungle of Central America for a couple of weeks to do some nature research. Here is what he found.
 Amazing Food.
 Lush Green Landscapes.
 Fresh Coconuts.
Glorious Sunsets.
 Froggy Friends.
Wild Animals.
Lovely, but there's no place like home :)

What Can We Compost?

How do we know? Well to figure out that very conundrum we took a compost quiz!
Can we compost ashes from the fireplace? A Sweet Briar Creek student ponders that very question.
What about nail clippings? Magazines? So much composting, so little time!

Green Smoothies Anyone?

 What can we make that's tasty with all those beautiful green leaves?
 Chard, strawberries, orange juice, and bananas make for a lovely concoction.

Please Peas Me

We harvested our lovely Peas in March!
 Then we added a little garlic and some Olive Oil and cooked them up!